Legal Service

Legal services for companies and natural persons - business law, labor law, lawyer services and representation
legal service

Take Advantage Of Legal Service

We offer outsourced Legal services to bring your company’s activities into compliance with legislation.

Licensed lawyers will give you legal advice according to your business needs and help you plan your activities properly to avoid serious legal problems.




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What Does A Legal Service Include?

Business Law

Legal support regarding any corporate matter of the company. Preparation of various types of documentation (by-laws, instructions, contracts, agreements, etc.) in all directions, representation of private and public law in legal entities, conducting negotiations, involvement in disputed issues, etc.

Labor Law

Regulation of the company's labor issues and ensuring compliance with the current labor legislation of Georgia. Among them, the development of relevant documentation and agreements, providing consultation regarding the appointment and dismissal of employees, assisting in the proper management of any disputed matter, coordination of foreign citizens in connection with the signing of employment contracts, obtaining residence permits, and issuance of residence certificates.


Protection of intellectual property and copyright interests; Representation in Sakpatenti and organization of registration of relevant rights


Legal services related to disputed issues. Representation with private persons, notary, as well as in mediation, arbitration, in any administrative body, in the court of all instances and the National Bureau of Law Enforcement.

Representation with banks

Advising and representing non-resident legal entities, or individuals on general banking matters. Consultation and representation regarding the opening of the bank accounts for non-resident legal and/or natural persons.

Real estate

Coordination of any issue related to the real estate, including the legalization of real estate, initial registration of unregistered real estate in the public registry, making changes, registration of obligations and preparation of any necessary documentation related for submission to the public registry. Representation and involvement in negotiations with various persons in the process of signing agreements.

For construction developers

Legal provision of the construction process for construction/development companies, which includes (but is not limited to): preparation of the building layouts and its registration in the public register; the preparation of construction, purchase and other types of contracts and documentation and registration in the Public Holl; preparation of the record of documents; Representation with customers, suppliers, and any government authorities.

Coordination of participation in the tender

Studying the requirements of the announced tender, gathering and organizing the necessary documentation, as well as participating in the tender process, including registration on the platform, submitting documentation on request to the relevant portal, etc.

Complex services of a lawyer, licensed auditor, and tax expert

A three-step study of a tax issue, which includes a legal analysis by a lawyer/advocate and the involvement of a licensed auditor for further study of the issue. The final stage is the evaluation of the tax report. In addition, complex representation in the council of Tax Appeals in the Revenue Service of Georgia., the council of tax appeals of the Ministry of Finance and in all instances of courts.

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